Iowa’s swing-state status led to at least three new political advertisements to drop this week. The ads came from multiple groups.

The Senate Leadership Fund dropped a new ad on Wednesday. The advertisement, titled “Bad Sign,” is the fist in their previously-announced $4.1 million advertising blitz in the Cyclone State. It details how real estate executive Theresa Greenfield personally signed eviction notices for several Iowa small businesses to accommodate a large multinational big-box chain store.



In these tough times, there are plenty of bad signs for Iowa small businesses. 


Here’s another: Theresa Greenfield personally signed the notices to kick mom and pop Iowa small businesses to the curb. 


She kicked Iowa small businesses out to make way for a big chain store to move in. 


Theresa Greenfield would be a really bad sign for Iowa jobs and small businesses. 


Stop Theresa Greenfield. 

Former Congressman David Young, fighting to reclaim the 3rd congressional seat, Launched his first ad of the 2020 cycle. The ad titled “Alli” tells the story of a young woman named Allihow her rare congenital health issue meant insurance would not cover her care. Young responded by introducing the bipartisan bill called “The Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act.” The bill required insurance companies to cover corrective treatments and pre-existing conditions like Alli’s.



Jennifer Steele: My daughter Alli was six when she was diagnosed with a rare congenital anomaly, which is a pre-existing condition.


Narrator:  Insurance companies refused to cover treatment. They met with David Young.


Alli Steele: After speaking with David Young, I thought he would take action, and he did.


Jennifer Steele: David introduced bipartisan legislation to require insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions.


Alli Steele: I know David Young will fight for Iowans with pre-existing conditions because he did for me.


Jennifer Steele: I trust David to fight for Alli and for all Iowans with pre-existing conditions.


David Young: I’m David Young, and I approved this message.

Lastly, the group One Nation launched a new advocacy effort titled “unacceptable.” It encourages Senator Joni Ernst to continue her work defending survivors of military sexual assault. Senator Ernst, a survivor of sexual assault herself and a veteran, has made the issue a top priority.



[Narrator] Unacceptable.


A surge of sexual assaults in the military.


As an assault survivor and military veteran herself, Senator Joni Ernst is standing up to sexual assault in the military, sponsoring legislation to prevent retaliation against victims and fighting for more healthcare options for survivors. 


[Senator Ernst] Abuse is not something you can just simply forget. 


We must take real steps to confront sexual assault. 


[Narrator] Tell Senator Ernst to keep fighting for victims of sexual assault in the military.