This tweet is where our story begins.

There is nothing even remotely remarkable about a candidate sending out a fundraising email while in a tight reelection race, especially when your opponent is someone like Democrat Theresa Greenfield. But let’s put that aside.

It didn’t take long for the Iowa Democrats and Greenfields team to take issue with the tweet and scream bloody murder.

Sam Newton, Greenfield’s comms director, and Izzi Levy, her press secretary, were quick to retweet every tweet single tweet the could find critical of Senator Ernst.

This is a classic play for foaming at the mouth liberals desperate to find someone to shame over perceived slights or take offense—all in a desperate attempt to gain an imaginary advantage. But wait, do you smell that?

Yeah. It’s bullshit.

On Saturday, just hours after the justice’s death, Theresa Greenfield sent out her own fundraising email, raising money on the death of Justice Ginsburg.


Don’t believe me? Here is the body of the email.

Guy’s, it gets worse. Below is an email from Adam Schiff (remember him?) fundraising with none other than Theresa Greenfield off of the [dramatic pause] ]DEATH OF JUSTICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG!

Still with us? Great. Below are the screenshots of all of the reporters and media showcasing the blatant double standard on display from Greenfield and team:


Just kidding –  there are none. Is anyone surprised by this? Let’s hope not. Greenfield and her team are either hypocrites or bitter about Joni’s team getting an email out before them, or let’s be honest – both.

If you’re frustrated, you’re not alone. Theresa Greenfield is the worst. Somehow shes willing to do anything and nothing you win. Confused? Let me explain.

Everying: in that, she’s willing to take money from anyone, including a pervert defender and weirdo fringe groups, and break federal law along the way.

Nothing: in that, she’s not willing to debate her opponent, is clueless on issues that matter, and skips out on campaigning in vast portions of the state.