Iowa GOP’s State Central Committee passed two resolutions Saturday in support of Donald Trump at their meeting held virtually via zoom. The first resolution says the Iowa GOP supports, without reservation, President Trump’s efforts to obtain a full and fair count of legal votes.

Resolution #1:

WHEREAS, The integrity of the election process is a crucial component of representative democracy; and


WHEREAS, Election integrity requires every legal vote to be accurately counted; and


WHEREAS, Irregularities and errors in the 2020 election process appear to have occurred in a number of states, placing the outcome of the election in doubt; and


WHEREAS, True election results can only come from official sources, not reporters or television networks; and


WHEREAS, It is essential to follow constitutional processes to ensure the integrity of our electoral process, including allowing courts to adjudicate election disputes, but not to rewrite state election laws that govern federal elections; and


WHEREAS, Candidates in disputed elections have a right and obligation to seek relief from courts; therefore, be it


RESOLVED, That the Republican Party of Iowa supports without reservation President Trump’s efforts to obtain a full and fair count of legal votes, including appeals to the Supreme Court of the United States if necessary.

The State Central Committee also passed a second resolution that spoke more to Trump’s accomplishments as President.

Resolution #2:

WHEREAS, President Trump’s leadership has resulted in greater protection of the unborn, protection of religious liberty, a strong economy before the pandemic and a rapid recovery afterward, border protection, support of law enforcement, respect for our Constitution, America-first foreign and trade policies, energy independence, and Middle East peace; and
WHEREAS, President Trump’s leadership has also resulted in an acceleration of vaccine development, normally slowed by excessive regulation, which holds promise to help end the COVID-19 pandemic that originated in China and spread around the world; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Republican Party of Iowa enthusiastically and unconditionally supports President Donald J. Trump.


Both resolutions were passed unanimously.


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