Iowa Democratic senate candidate Theresa Greenfield is relying heavily on out-of-state special interest organizations for her “grassroots” get-out-the-vote efforts in the state, photos, and social media posts obtained by Iowa Field Report show.

While Greenfield has repeatedly touted her campaign as an Iowa “grassroots” operation, photos reveal that her get-out-the-vote efforts are being conducted from out of state, including places like California, New York, and Washington, D.C.

For the past several weeks, Iowans have been receiving hand-written letters asking them to vote for Greenfield. While the letters appear authentic and grassroots-driven, photos show they are postmarked from out of state. Also, social media posts reveal they are part of an organized, out-of-state effort by special interest groups.

For example, one such individual appears to be working for a special interests group based out of Indiana, according to information on her Twitter page:

The organization this individual references, “Flip the West,” is based in California:

Since then, additional evidence of Greenfield’s out of state GOTV campaign has appeared:

A Twitter user with the location Washington DC, and tagging a Washington DC-based organization Ward 6, brags about sending letters to Iowa for Theresa Greenfield. 

A Twitter user with the location Los Gatos, California, responds to Theresa Greenfield admitting that she is writing postcards for her.


Iowans commented on Joni Ernst’s post on Facebook about the letters they’ve received for Theresa Greenfield postmarked from California. 

This is not the first time Greenfield has relied on support from out-of-state special interests organizations for her get-out-the-vote efforts. Iowa Field Report has learned that even before the Democratic Party primary, Greenfield’s campaign was relying on California phone bankers.

Screenshot from the site – Their address is in California

These tweets, posts, and screenshots paint a bleak picture of the Greenfield operation. They come just a few days after the Ernst campaign uncovered that as a candidate, Theresa Greenfield had not held campaign events in much of the state, forsaking many rural communities. The election that will decide who is sent to Washington to represent Iowa in the U.S. Senate will take place in just 50 days, November 3rd.