Welcome back to the second installment of Hitting The Airwaves. Here are the newest political ads you need to see.

First up – Iowa’s Second Congressional 

From the release:

“Veterans should never have to go without the help and support they need, no matter where they live in Iowa. This bipartisan bill was an important step toward improving mental health care access for our veterans, and I will never stop fighting to ensure those who served receive care for both the physical wounds and emotional scars of war. I speak on behalf of all Iowans when I say that we will always have the backs of the brave men and women who risked it all for our country.”  – Congresswoman Ashley Hinson


Coming home from Afghanistan was tough; two of my buddies took their own lives. And I was in a really dark place.

But I got help, and that’s the main reason I wasn’t next. No veteran should ever be forgotten.

I’m really proud Ashely Hinson expanded mental health care for veterans in rural areas.

What Ashley Hinson did is gonna saves lives, and that’s not politics. That’s the truth.”


Next – The Governor’s Race 

From the release:

The first ad of Governor Reynolds’ re-election campaign also highlights her record of eliminating retirement income taxes for seniors, investing and supporting law enforcement, bipartisan mental health reform, and getting schools back open during COVID-19.

The ad will run statewide on cable, broadcast, online, and on digital streaming platforms.


Radio News Anchor: Controversy in Washington…
Radio News Anchor: Gridlock in Congress…
Radio News Anchor: Another Biden spending plan…

Voice Over: Washington could learn a thing or two… from Iowa.

Radio News Anchor: Governor Reynolds eliminates taxes on retirement income.
Radio News Anchor: Bipartisan support to increase mental health services.

Voice Over: New protections for law enforcement.

Talk Radio Caller: Governor Reynolds kept schools open during COVID.

Voice Over: Here in Iowa… America still works.

Radio News Anchor: Today’s forecast… Another beautiful day in Iowa….

Finally – Iowa First District

From the release:

“Washington could learn a lot about how we do things at home — using common sense, finding common ground, talking to each other and not at each other. That’s how we can get things done,” Congresswoman Miller-Meeks.


Miller-Meeks: My Iowa story begins right here over three decades ago. A residency at the university brought me to the state I’ll forever call home.

Iowans are caring, helping people. As a doctor, what more could I want? We’re hard-working families who come together for good. That’s what makes Iowa and America great.

I’m Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks. You deserve someone in Congress who knows your life and fights your fight, that’s what I do, and that’s why I approve this message.