U.S. Senator Joni Ernst launched the first tv ad of her 2020 reelection campaign. The ad highlights her military leadership background and talks about the need to cut china out of our supply chain.



We drove our trucks all over Baghdad, through terror cells and IEDs.
But we kept the supply chain going, because American lives counted on it.
Today, we face a different supply chain threat.
We rely on communist China for far too much, from technology to medicine. So I’m fighting to bring it home.
I’m Joni Ernst. I approve this message because saving America, starts with made in America.

The Ernst campaign released the following statement with the announcement of the ad,

“As a military logistics expert, Joni Ernst led countless convoys through Kuwait and Iraq to keep our troops supplied. Joni is the only candidate in the race with the leadership and know-how to reduce our dependence on China and bring our supply chain back home to the U.S.,” said Brendan Conley, Communications Director for Team Joni. “While Joni and President Trump remain tough on China, Theresa Greenfield’s silence continues to shows just how unprepared she is to lead at this critical moment.”

Joni Ernst, first elected in 2014, was the first female combat veteran elected to serve in the United States Senate. She was also the first woman elected to represent the state of Iowa in Congress. A former Lieutenant Colonel in the Iowa Army National Guard, Ernst retired after 23 years of military service. Before being elected to congress, Joni previously served as the Montgomery County Auditor and later as a member of the Iowa Senate. She is a graduate of Iowa State University.

Joni’s opponent this fall will be Democrat Theresa Greenfield, a real estate executive from Minnesota.  The Cook Political Report rates the race as “Leans Republican”