Congressional Candidate, Former State Senator, and combat veteran Zach Nunn announced this week the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) endorsed his campaign for Congress.

Zach Nunn (R)
The NFIB is currently the nation’s most prominent small business organization. Their endorsement comes right after a small business roundtable hosted by Zach Nunn, where pressing issues such as inflation and supply chain issues impacting small businesses were discussed in detail.
“As a current Iowa state Senator and former state Representative, Zach Nunn has proven to be a champion for small businesses,” said Matt Everson, NFIB Iowa State Director.
“I’m honored to have the endorsement of NFIB,” said Zach Nunn, IA-03 candidate for Congress. “Small businesses are struggling under the weight of total Democrat control in DC, and NFIB recognizes the need to step up and do something to save our small businesses. In Iowa, we’ve successfully cut taxes for small businesses, addressed and fixed workforce shortages even in the face of a pandemic, and cut bureaucratic red tape in order to help local, small-town businesses prosper.”
Zach was elected to the Iowa House of Representatives and later the Iowa Senate. Nunn has additionally served the country as an airborne intelligence officer, where he deployed three times to the Middle East after 9/11.