Priorities for Iowa Political Fund is back at it. The group, which helped take down Bruce Braley in 2014, and helped defeat Steve King this year by supporting Randy Feenstra, has waded back into the Iowa Senate Race.


A lighthearted parody of a Theresa Greenfield ad-shoot, the hard-hitting message in the ad, titled “Pretend,” packs a punch at Theresa Greenfield’s liberal agenda. It calls out Greenfield on the millions of dollars she is spending portraying herself as an Iowa Moderate when, in truth, her policies are right in line with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s DC liberal agenda. To make that clear- she’s seen clinking champagne glasses with lookalikes when the cameras turn off. 


Greenfield claims that she supports Iowa’s biofuel industry, but it’s no secret that she’s in the Pelosi-Schumer fan club whose agendas do not support the best interest of Iowa residents. Priorities for Iowa makes a mock of this in the ad as she walks off a pretend camera set and clinks glasses with Nancy Pelosi over support of the Green New Deal. 


The ad also points out Greenfield’s position on healthcare, one that is arguably a far cry from moderate. The candidate is in line with the liberal agenda of public healthcare for all, which would ultimately lead to the closure of 52 rural hospitals that rely on private insurance companies to make up the difference from Medicare reimbursement rates. 


Theresa Greenfield is in a hotly contested and pivotal Senate race with Republican Senator Joni Ernst. Greenfield has been running her campaign going to great costs to sell herself as the moderate, ag-loving candidate in it for the rural, working families. Regardless of what vest she puts on, voters will see that this is an act of pretend. Her votes will be in line with the far-left Washington Democrats, and this ad puts a humorous frame around that serious point. 


Priorities for Iowa Political Fund definitely came out swinging with this creative spot and it will likely break through the clutter of typical political advertisements crowding the Iowa airwaves.

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