A Rebuttal to the NYTimes Article on Iowa

A Rebuttal to the NYTimes Article on Iowa

It’s hard to know where to start with the pretentious, stereotyping performance from liberal hack Trip Gabriel in the New York Times last week. It was a repulsive piece, scoffing at Burlington and pretty much all of rural Iowa. But let’s start with the...
What Liberal Media Bias?

What Liberal Media Bias?

You don’t need more proof of liberal media bias. It’s blatant at this point, especially at the national stage. They’re not even trying to hide it.  Iowa press like to think of themselves as better than that. And I think many of them actually try to be better...
A Revolving Door Between The Media & Liberals

A Revolving Door Between The Media & Liberals

Donald Trump might have coined the term “fake news,” but the concept existed long before he descended his golden escalator all those years ago. Since at least the Reagan era, conservatives and many members of media have had a fraught relationship with neither side...
Thursday Mashup

Thursday Mashup

Morningside Poll: Who’s the real winner? Yesterday, Morningside University released the results of its 2020 Iowa Political Survey. The biggest winner of this poll may be Governor Kim Reynolds. The poll had her approval rating at 57%. Surveys like this are vital as she...

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