Midweek Odds and Ends

Midweek Odds and Ends

Mighty Hunter Comes Up Short Finance reports were due yesterday — while the Iowa Field Report team reviews them, there is one thing that stands out. Our auditor, Rob Sand, raised almost nothing last year. This is noteworthy because he has been roundly praised...
Midweek Odds and Ends

Media Bias and the Adjectives It Rides In On

The best reporters bring a sharp eye and ear to their job, using their observations to find the truth and record it for posterity within the objective bounds of their professional creed. Bad reporters talk more than listen and label their opinions facts, turning into...
Midweek Odds and Ends

Welcome to Iowa Field Report

Another political site? Really? Yes. And let me tell you why. I grew up in Iowa and cut my teeth on Iowa politics. I know the players and the game. I’ve been to every county in Iowa. I love its people and its beautiful landscape. In 2015, I moved out of state with my...