Merch upgrade is in order

Merch upgrade is in order

Readers,  You may have missed it, but our esteemed Auditor, Rob Sand, recently launched a merch store. We assume this is because things are a bit tight over at the campaign. It looks like a nice enough merch site, but it could be better in our humble opinion. We think...
Thursday Mashup

Thursday Mashup

Morningside Poll: Who’s the real winner? Yesterday, Morningside University released the results of its 2020 Iowa Political Survey. The biggest winner of this poll may be Governor Kim Reynolds. The poll had her approval rating at 57%. Surveys like this are vital as she...
Major Donor Disparity: Follow Up Questions

Major Donor Disparity: Follow Up Questions

Today we’re following up on last week’s post on the Democrats’ Donor Disparity. If you haven’t read it yet, take a minute to do so. That post generated a good deal of feedback. A few thoughts came to mind over the weekend, and here they are for...