Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks had her campaign submit documents to Congress today in her bid to keep her seat. Rep. Miller-Meeks, a freshman representing Iowa’s Second congressional district, is in a legal battle to retain her seat after Democrat Rita Hart decided to contest her loss in Congress via the  Committee on House Administration. Miller-Meeks won election night, but Hart requested a recount and lost again. A bipartisan board-certified Miller-Meeks, the winner and Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi chose to seat her in the 117th Congress.

Miller-Meeks’ campaign filed two documents today:

1:A Brief in Response To Letter From Chairwoman Lofgren

2: Answer to Notice of Contest

In her filing, Hart’s lawyer went so far as to say Congress should “depart from Iowa law” in his effort to overturn the election results.

Some Democrats are already uncomfortable with the effort. It’s unclear if these members are outliers or represent a larger chunk of their party.

Rep. Miller-Meeks sought to have Hart’s challenge dismissed; however, the Committee on House Administration, chaired by Califonia Democrat Zoe Lofgren, voted to table the motion.

The video below is from the committee’s March 10 business meeting.


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