Monday, Congressman Feenstra announced 17 new cosponsors have signed on to Sarah’s Law. According to Feenstra’s office, “Sarah’s Law would amend the mandatory detention provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) to require the detention of anyone unlawfully present in the U.S. who is charged with a crime resulting in the death or serious bodily injury.”

“It is now more important than ever that we implement safe immigration laws that protect the American people,” said Congressman Feenstra.


“Sarah’s Law is a commonsense measure that will close loopholes, and it is a step in the right direction as we work to fix our broken immigration system. It’s simple: Illegal immigrants accused of committing violent and reckless crimes should be detained so they can be prosecuted and held accountable,” he added.

On the third anniversary of Sarah Root’s death, the law’s namesake, and the reintroduction of the Senate’s proposal, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley spoke about the measure and how passing it would not only close a loophole but help to bring justice to Sarah’s family.

“The tragic death of Sarah Root three years ago and the ongoing search for her killer underscore the serious attention border security and immigration enforcement require in America. Sarah’s life was cut short by an undocumented immigrant who disregarded the rule of law and decided to get behind the wheel after drinking. The Obama administration refused to take custody of Sarah’s killer because it didn’t consider him a priority, allowing him to disappear into the shadows. The Roots have been robbed of their daughter, and at least for now, they have been robbed of justice. Our legislation, named in Sarah’s memory, will ensure that those who harm or kill Americans will be taken into custody and removed while also ensuring that victims and their families get the information they deserve from the government as they pursue justice,” said Senator Chuck Grassley in 2019

The addition of the 17 cosponsors announced Monday mean there are now a total of 30 members on board in the US House of Representatives. Feenstra’s office announced that he would be working with Sen. Join Ernst, a long-time advocate for the law, to push the House’s proposal back in March. The full text of Sarah’s Law can be found HERE.