Multiple Choice Exam: Brought to you by the Des Moines Public Unschooled System
Which of the following is true:
A. The Des Moines public school system, run by a board of left-wing activists, says there is no possible way that it is safe for kids to go to school, despite school districts opening all across the state.
B. The Des Moines public school system says that it’s so unsafe to open schools for in-person learning that it’s spending taxpayer money to file a lawsuit against the Iowa Board of Education to keep its doors closed for public education.
C. The Des Moines public school system, which says that it is way too unsafe to hold in-person education wants to continue to hold in-person activities and sports, and that anyone who says they should not is a racist.
D. The Des Moines public school system is opening a daycare inside its schools that charges parents $145 per week.
E. All of the above.
If you guessed all of the above, you are shockingly correct. Welcome to the Des Moines Public School (Online) Circus!