Yesterday marked the anniversary of Operation Neptune. If that doesn’t ring a bell, perhaps you know it as the D-Day invasion of Normandy. The D-Day invasion of France is one of the most storied events in World War Two history. It marked the start of the Allied Force’s ground assault in Europe to take on the Nazis and eventually liberate Europe from the scourge of Hitler and his fascist regime.
In the United States, D-Day is typically commemorated with remembrance events and occasionally reenactments. Thousands of young men, mostly from the US, Britain, and Canada, were slaughtered in the name of freedom. Yesterday however, one Iowa State House Representative decided the best way to remember the sacrifice and courage of D-Day was to post on social media an image comparing the thousands of brave troops who served and died that day to the terrorist group ANTIFA.

Rep. Molly Donahue’s post from June 6th, comparing the US and other Allied troops to the terrorist group ANTIFA
Linn County Democrat Molly Donahue posted the image yesterday, the 77th anniversary of the D-Day landings on Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword Beach.
President Trump attempted to designate the group a formal Organisation of Terror however, red tape prevented him due to the group not operation overseas and domestically not having a formal organization.
Iowa Field Report reached out to Rep Donahue to ask why she would share such offensive content but did get a reply. Nor did Iowa Field Report get a reply from several other prominent Iowa Democrats to ask if they condem Rep. Donahue’s suggestion that veterans are terrorists.