by Luke Martz | Oct 15, 2020 | Opinion
The campaign of Theresa Greenfield appears to be attempting to mislead Iowans less than three weeks before the election. While the Federal Election Commission’s inner workings may be relatively unknown to most Iowans, complaints filed with the FEC have become...
by Steve Scheffler | Oct 8, 2020 | Campaigns, Opinion
As the Republican Committeeman for Iowa since 2008, and as the president of the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition, I can think of no issue of greater singular importance than the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court. We have...
by Luke Martz | Sep 23, 2020 | Campaigns, Congress
Priorities for Iowa Political Fund is back at it. The group, which helped take down Bruce Braley in 2014, and helped defeat Steve King this year by supporting Randy Feenstra, has waded back into the Iowa Senate Race. A lighthearted parody of a Theresa...
by Luke Martz | Sep 22, 2020 | Campaigns, Congress
Ads so fresh you can still smell the ink on the disclaimer. The first is from Senator Joni Ernst. In recognition of suicide prevention month, Ernst has released an ad featuring Jill Vrieze. She shares the story of her brother Troy Sand who took his own life. The ad...
by Luke Martz | Sep 17, 2020 | Campaigns, Congress
Democrat US Senate candidate Theresa Greenfield has been issued a warning from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for illegal excessive contributions to her campaign. Greenfield has accepted thousands of dollars in illegal contributions from several donors. James...