by Luke Martz | Feb 3, 2023 | Courts, Media, Opinion, State Government
Rob Sand gets off scot-free for refusing to turn over government emails from liberal blogger/activist Laura Belin, a state district court ruled last week. Sand withheld Belin’s emails with his chief of staff John McCormally until he was sued by the Kirkwood Institute,...
by Luke Martz | Dec 21, 2022 | Media, Opinion
The Iowa Field Report broke some of the biggest Iowa political stories of the year. The first to report on U.S. Senate candidate Mike Franken’s assault report, the first to write on state house candidate Sonya Heitshusen’s arrest, and the only outlet to...
by Luke Martz | Jul 25, 2022 | Campaigns, Legislature, State Politics
Sonya Heitshusen doesn’t want the public to know anything more about how or why she shot a bullet through her sliding glass window, according to a court filing made late last week. Heitshusen, a former reporter turned Public Information Officer, asked a Dallas County...
by Luke Martz | Nov 16, 2021 | State Government, State Politics
Rob Sand says that he didn’t violate Iowa’s open records laws by refusing to produce an email between his chief of staff and liberal blogger Laura Belin because the email was sent on a private account. That was Sand’s response to a lawsuit filed by the Kirkwood...
by Iowa Field Report | Sep 10, 2021 | Media, Opinion
As Iowans learn to live with the COVID-19 pandemic, data and opinions have come at them from all directions. One of the leading voices in Iowa (leading because the Iowa press made it so) is Sara Anne Willette, otherwise known on Twitter as @amethystarlight. She dubs...