Rob Sand COS Wants To Impeach Justice Barrett

Rob Sand COS Wants To Impeach Justice Barrett

John McCormally wasted little time after Justice Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in to share his unsolicited view. Who’s John McCormally, you ask?  We forgive you. He is the Chief of Staff of Iowa’s State Auditor, Rob Sand. The already deleted Facebook post...
Merch upgrade is in order

Merch upgrade is in order

Readers,  You may have missed it, but our esteemed Auditor, Rob Sand, recently launched a merch store. We assume this is because things are a bit tight over at the campaign. It looks like a nice enough merch site, but it could be better in our humble opinion. We think...
Rob Sand Spokesman: Farming just a “nostalgic” thing

Midweek Odds and Ends

Mighty Hunter Comes Up Short Finance reports were due yesterday — while the Iowa Field Report team reviews them, there is one thing that stands out. Our auditor, Rob Sand, raised almost nothing last year. This is noteworthy because he has been roundly praised...